A shopping spree it was...My cupboard boasts of some nice summer clothes now and the darling digicam is back to life. Yes! I finally got a new battery charger.
And while I had just begun cursing the weather, the Rain Gods showered mercy and plenty of it :D The icing on the cake was the fact that we were sitting on the first floor of a restaurant with wide glass windows. Our table was laid next to the window and watching the rain drops slip through the windowpane was like visitng Paradise.

We signed off with a cup of Blackforest Gelato (which happened to be the flavour of the week) each :D

And yes all this happened on a Sunday, a day when I rarely get my day off from work!

Aw, sound deeee-vine!
who wrote that paradise thingy on the table?? and with what?
sounds like skeets had a lovely day! i'm happy for you babes, i'm hooked to gelato esp the fererro rocher flavour and the orange youghurt, which is just divine (dive - in!)
Blackforest... I don't think this is available outside India or maybe i'm looking in the wrong places. But i sure do make up for it by eating 1kg of blackforest iced cake all by myself once in 6 months.
Nee: It was! :)
Pritika: It was already written there.. i just clicked like the J****I(;) (lol) Will try the orange yoghurt someday...
Mr.J: It can be either ways...Wow! 1kg at 1 go! sahi hai! I cant even try going half way :( ;) :D
I like the ice cream photu!!
suber! :D you are so right, some days are just perfect!!
Rain drops falling chhamaa chhamm chhamm !
neat hai :D
nice post..lively like always!
The ice cream looks yumm ! I enjoyed the rain yesterday too and the hailstones... they were painful ! Ouch !
And now I know, where to satisfy my culinary curiosities !
Apoorv: :) thx
eastmancolor: yesh cham chamaa cham :D
cyberkitty: I escaped the hailstones as i was watching a movie :D But the weatehr sure was nice and now the silly sun is back!
A Nerd Anarch: nice name! where's ur blog? to satisfy culinary curiosities visit my food blog :D
oye...datz the same title i used for one of my posts! :p
i know how it feels to have a gud time in the midst of all those days of cribbing about work, the workplace, the people arnd, the summer heat...just a reminder from God maybe that life is beautiful! :)
btw, der aren't any pics of the restaurant, just the name board at the entrance!
omg the ice creams look so delicious! i've given up ice creams and chocolatesssssssss :( :( :(
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